my own DSLR last saturday (15/1/11)
I went to Curve bought with my lovely loong haha
that sale man was like stuning
cause I bring a lot
$CASH$ to there
I doesn't have any credit card ma...
My camara is Sony xD
It is suitable for beginner =)
damn happy for that , HAHAHA
at the same day we watched
I cried for this movie, cause so touched....
sumore I'm not a good girl , always argue with parents...
but lately my relationship between family are absolutely great xD
I'm so lazy in studies...
always absent at tuition..
can't concentrate for that
GIRL, cannot like that la
this year I'm gonna face SPM leh~~~~~
must be hardworking...
So i will force myself to revision more!
Yesterday (Sun 16/1/11)FAMILY DAY~~~we went to jinjang having our breakfast xD
ban mee (my favorite)
and after that
sis and I went to timesquare & sg wang
cuz we haven't buy new cloth for CNY =.=
but hor, those cloth also 5 gam sam sui gek~~~
so we decide next sunday going Sunway Pyramid
we walked around 4/5 hours, and my leg so pain (OLD JOR IS LIKE TAT 1)
so today i walk like a chicken... ><
i really enjoy my life now
had my lovely family and BFthanks god bless me <3
see you soon :)